Monday, June 01, 2009

A Musical Mélange at Batha.

Maya Karasso.

The afternoon concert at the Batha Museum was a performance by the Yuval Ron Ensemble and featured dance by Maya Karasso. Leader of the ensemble, Yuval Ron, works internationally in film, television, dance and theater. Among his many honors, he was invited to perform for the Dalai Lama, for Pir Zia Iniyat Khan (Head of the Sufi International Order), and has produced albums of Turkish master-musician Omar Faruk Tekbilek.

Yuval (pictured above) acts as the musical director and oud player for the Yuval Ron Ensemble, which includes Arabic, Jewish and Christian artists who unite the sacred music traditions of Judaism, Sufism and the Armenian Church into an unusual mystical, spiritual and inspiring musical celebration.

The concert was well attended and generally well received. However, the change to daylight saving did cause a number of patrons to arrive late.


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