Thursday, October 01, 2009

Fez Jazz in Riad Festival

Jazz aficionados should head for Fez next weekend for the 6th annual Jazz in Riad Festival.

First it was on, then it was off, but now it's definitely on again, with its former name of Jazz in Riad. But the dates have changed - this festival will now be held from 9-11 October. All the concerts will take place at the Batha Museum and the festival has the intriguing tagline of 'Let the Jazz burn, to each of these terms, for it sets us ablaze ...' Perhaps it works better in French.

Organisers The Spirit of Fez Foundation report that the festival has just been awarded the DjangodOr International Jazz Trophy label which has, up to now, been reserved for European festivals. The first African DjangodOr festival will be held in Ouagadougou in Burkino Faso next year, with Fez scheduled to feature in 2011.

The festival will feature talks and films as well as concerts. See the website for more details. Here's a rundown of the festival concerts:

20h00 Friday 9 October
Opening concert featuring the David Reinhardt Trio and guest stars Jean-Marc Jafet and Olivier Temime (Dh100)

Saturday 10 October
Metis Jazz with Tangora (Dh50)

Mediterranean Jazz with the Don Billiez Orchestra (Dh100)

Sunday 11 October
16h00 First part:
Fes Label Young Musicians 2009

16h30 Second part:
Jazz-Flamenco with the Kader Fahem Hispanica Jazz Trio (Dh50)

Closing concert: Orgue with Rhoda Scott and the Rhoda Scott Ladies Quartet (Dh100)

Book at Objectif Maroc (0535 652 816/7/8) or get your tickets at the door.

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