Under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the 10th edition of the Fes Festival of Sufi Culture runs from Saturday the 14th to Saturday the 21st of October, under the theme: "Sufism at the meeting of the Wisdom of the World: the road of Sufism from Morocco to India"
The Festival aims to make Moroccans discover or rediscover their own culture and to offer them access to this artistic, intellectual and spiritual wealth. In addition the Festival aims to make Sufism known to the international community as a positive image of Islam, thanks to its universal language of openness and peace.
Through this event, the Festival reinforces the positioning of Morocco in intercultural dialogue by bridging the gap between East and West.
The Festival will question the role of Sufism in the world today, how to link spirituality with the people, the environment and social action.
It will also explore the artistic richness that Sufism inspired: painting, calligraphy, songs and music.
The choice of the Medersa Bounaniya as a major venue is a welcome development
16h: Official Opening of the Festival followed by an artistic moment
Medersa Bounaniya
16h30-18h30: Round table: "Sufism and the Andalusian paradigm" Medersa Bounaniya
20h30: Original meeting between Farida Parveen and all the songs of the Samâa of Fez - «Tribute to Al Shustari; of the Divine Love, from Morocco to India »- Jnan Sbil Gardens
10h-12h: Round Table: «Rûmi, Attar and Ibn Arabi: the spiritual roots of the civilisation of Islam»" - Medersa Bounaniya
16h-18h: Round table:
"Sufism and the art of living" -Medersa Bounaniya
8 pm: Al Firdaus concert in Granada (with the participation of Ihsane Rmiki) - Jnan Sbil Park
10h-12h: Round table: «The place of Sufism in contemporary Arab culture- Medersa Bounaniya
16h-18h: Round table: "The interpretation of the Quran from a spiritual perspective" (Ishâra)" - Medersa Bounaniya
20h: Tariqa Qadiriya Butchichiya - Jnan Sbil Park
10h-12h: Round table: «Sufism, art and poetry» - Medersa Bounaniya
16h-18h: Round table: "Sufism and inter-religious dialogue" - Medersa Bounaniya
8 pm: Tariqa Rissouniya - Jnan Sbil Park
10h-12h: Round table: «Sufi cultures of Central Asia» - Medersa Bounaniya
16-18h: Round table: "Sufism, a living heritage" - Medersa Bounaniya
8 pm: Jnan Sbil Park
- First part: Concert by Ustad Daud Khan Sadozai with Robab and Sarod - Sufi music from Afghanistan
- Part Two: Tariqa Sharqawiya
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Ustad Daud Khan Sadozai |
10h-12h: Round Table: "The Mughal moment: Sufism in India" -Medersa Bounaniya
16h-18h: Round table: «Sufism and Bahkti at the Confluence of the Two Oceans» - Medersa Bounaniya
8 pm: Jnan Sbil Park
- First part: poetic and musical recital of Shiva Prakash, Katia Légeret and Bhavana Kandadai
- Second part: Tariqa Rissouniya
10h-12h: Round Table: "Can we teach Sufism today as a culture? - Medersa Bounaniya
16h-18h: Round table: «Rûmi or the religion of Love: poetic of the spiritual journey» - Medersa Bounaniya
8 pm: Jnan Sbil Park
- First part: poetic and musical recital of Leili Anvar, Frédéric Ferney and Fady Zakkar
- Part Two: Tariqa Naqshbandiya
16h-18h: Round table: Synthesis of the work of the week - Medersa Bounaniya
20h: Closing ceremony with the great voices of the Samâa of Morocco - Bab al Makina
Among the prospective speakers (in alphabetical order):
Jamal Eddine Amrani of Morocco, Khaled Muhammed Abdou of Egypt, Leili Avnar of Iran, Adbelilah Benarafa of Morocco, Ikram Bennani of Morocco, Saïda Bennani of Morocco, Rachid Benzine of Morocco, Bilel Chebbi (Tunisia), Driss Fassi Fihri (Morocco), Jim Garison (France), Roderick Grierson (Canada), Abdou Hafidi (France-Morocco), Souad Hakim (Lebanon), Andrew Harvey England), Touria Iqbal of Morocco, Henri Joyeux of France, Jaafar Kansoussi of Morocco, Bariza Khiari of France, Setsuko Klossowska of Rola, Japan, Katia Legeret of France, Souad Maoulainine of Morocco, Marshall (USA), Edgar
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The View From Fez is an official Media Partner of the Fez Festival of Sufi Culture
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