Sunday, December 04, 2005

Further moves on housing the poor.

As The View from Fès reported a couple of days ago, the Slum-free Cities Program - part of the National Initiative for Human Development launched by King Mohammed VI to fight poverty and social exclusion - received 90 million Euros from the European Union. The money is expected to be used to eradicate some 900,000 shanties by 2010. This would improve living conditions of some 212,000 families in 70 cities.

Now comes news that more than 130 million MAD will be earmarked to eradicate shanty towns in the city of Salé near Rabat. The first phase of the project, which will benefit 5,405 persons. The opening phase includes the restructuring of 714 habitations in douar Oulad Bendaoud (Laayayda District), as well as the rehousing of 644 families.

The second phase will include similar projects, benefiting some 540 families.

LINK: The 90 Million Loan from the EU


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