Monday, July 03, 2006

Moments in Words from Hadhramout

The View from Fez is always on the lookout for interesting blogs. In the last few days we have been reading Words from Hadhramout. The blogger, Omar Barsawad, lives in Al Mukalla, Hadgramout in Yemen.

The topics and writing are fascinating. Here is what Omar had to say about Al Mukalla:

Mukalla is still a very strange place and difficult to describe - a mixture of the very old and the very modern: all the women in the streets, are dressed in black and burqas, and most of the men in 'sarongs'; fashion is not of much concern or importance along the streets. Some parts are still biblical in appearance, especially the Old Town; goats and sheep, still wander the streets; and lots of cats. Plastic garbage bags are strewn almost every where; buildings, are haphazardly put up - some half finished, which makes some parts of Mukalla look like a war zone. And yet, the latest SUV models cruise the jammed streets; and, to me, it seems almost every one has a mobile cell-phone and almost every house has a satellite dish. Internet cafes, and modern shops and restaurants - are springing up almost every where around Mukalla. On the whole, Mukalla - with it's stunning surrounding scenery, very blue, clear waters - could turn out be to one of the most beautiful cities - with time and care. One can only understand and appreciate Mukalla, by seeing it and being in it.
Name:Omar Barsawad
Location:Al Mukalla, Hadhramout, Yemen
Visit Blog: Click here.



Barsawad said...

Hey, this is great! I am delighted that you like my blog! Thanks for the compliments!

I do too, regularly, read yours; in fact, it has been an ispiration for me, in many ways! And I am learning much from your site about your fantastic country and people! And your other articles on various other subjcts, are just great and informative!

Suzanna Clarke said...

It is our pleasure to feature your fine blog. I hope we can visit Yemen at some stage, inshallah.

Barsawad said...

Just this: on your Neo-counter it shows that you have only 4 visits from Yemen, and yet I am a regular on it! One reason could be that I mostly use a satellite based Internet sevice, which would place in Hong Kong on your counter!

I suggest, it is best using Google Analytics to give a correct and better tracking and analysis of your very fine site.