Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Moroccans condemn Sadam execution.

Morocco has joined the chorus of condemnation around the world at the execution of Saddam Hussein. In Rabat and Casablanca there were sit-ins and protests.

At the United Nations headquarters in Rabat, the demonstrators chanted slogans condemning Saddam execution, deeming it a "political assassination".

Organized by the National Action Group for the Support of the Palestinian and the Iraqi Peoples and human rights organizations, the demo denounced the American occupation of Iraq and called for trying American and British officials for "war crimes".

In Casablanca, the demonstrators gathered before the American Consulate brandishing Saddam Hussein photos and chanting slogans denouncing Saddam execution, deeming it "war against humanity".

Representatives of Political parties, trade unions, human rights organizations and artists chanted together slogans hostile to the American administration.

The condemnation appears to be worldwide. Russia, The Vatican, European countries as well as most of the Islamic world has been united in its anger at the execution and at the largest music festival in Australia, the Woodford Festival, both Jewish, Christian and Islamic speakers pointed out the double standards and hypocrisy of the "war on terror" and the execution.

See also our follow-up story : saddam-execution-backlash-continues

See also: Saddam video - we are all executioners now



Anonymous said...

Thank you for standing up for decency, justice and liberty. The Americans stand condemned for not giving Sadam a fair trial and not fighting against the death penalty. The nature of his execution was an obscene blow to all decent Christians and Muslims.

Anonymous said...

Do you also condemn the people that kill western europeans without a trial and video tape these events?