Monday, March 12, 2007

French knees in the Medina.

Our little story about knees has provoked a large number of emails claiming sightings of even more outrageous knee exposures. However, we have declined to post any of them as they pale in comparison to the example on the right.

These are French knees and come with the added elegance of beautiful bare arms and an attempt to look pregnant by hiding his camera bag under his fine blue singlet.

Now, if you can provide a better example of Fine Fez Fashion - we will publish it.

We would also appreciate it if you can ascertain the nationality of the knees in question as a lot can be learned by taking the origin of the knees into account.

In the meantime we will resist from furthering our research in this area as others have jumped on the bandwagon and are obviously eager to make this topic the subject of academic research.

Below, for example , is a photograph of two French women who have decided the best possible place for knee watching is from the safety of a terrace. Please note that their own knees are respectfully clothed.

Phtt! Pensent-t-ils que cette tenue est un signe d'individualisme assez fort?

Il faut quand meme qu'il soit culotté pour montrer les genoux nus comme ca!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should put some photos of Arab women who wear foulards in France! Don't they know they're not in the Maghreb?!?!?! ha ha ha ha hilarious!!!