Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Morocco's top publishing house - Imprimerie Idéale

Ever wondered where the top mags in Morocco get published? A couple of people we asked said "France?" "China?". They were both wrong. No the answer is in Morocco. Established in 1929, Imprimerie Idéale employs approximately 300 staff and is part of the Ajana Group in Morocco. Its customers include magazine publishers and publishing houses in Morocco, Europe and Africa.

Morocco’s oldest printing house, Imprimerie Idéale, is a top class operation, for example the company has recently invested in a Goss M-600 press to enhance its production capacity and to expand its presence in the lucrative high-quality magazine market in Europe. The press, installed during May this year at the company’s facility in Casablanca, will print a wide range of commercial print products including magazines and brochures.

“Over the past few years we have seen an increase in customer demand for higher print quality and faster turnarounds,” confirms Youssef Ajana, manager at Imprimerie Idéale. “Our current press inventory, which already includes a Goss M-600 press, has served us well. Installation of the new press with unique features such as the Autoplate automatic plate changing system, working in conjunction with Ecocool dryer technology, will ensure that efficiency runs throughout the whole printing process. Valuable time savings and improved turnarounds for our customers mean that this will be a very flexible solution for us.”

The new four-unit M-600 press for Imprimerie Idéale is equipped with the Autoplate fully automatic plate changing feature, a Goss Contiweb SH-40 C1 splicer, an Ecocool dryer and a JF-45 folder with double parallel and delta fold capacity. Ajana confirms, “The installation of this press means we will reap the benefits of around a 30 percent increase in production capacity and a notable reduction in our paper waste.”

We are not certain of the beginnings of Imprimerie Idéale, but prominent Mauritian Abdul Hakim Abdul Razzaque, who was a self-made businessman, originally from Trinidad, founded a company of the same name and owned the national newspaper Le Citoyen in Mauritius.

There! You learn something every day, huh?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is an amazing article! It's nice to have my grandfather's (Abdul Hakim Abdul Razzaque) work remembered!