Thursday, June 02, 2011

Charity Photo Exhibition Opens in Fez Medina

A delightful photo exhibition for charity

Earlier this week we previewed the exhibition of photographs by people from around the world, who have visited Fez. As we pointed out, this is no ordinary exhibition, but a charity fund-raising exercise for the Centre Amal orphanage. (see our story here)  Tonight The View from Fez attended the opening.

The exhibition of more than forty photographs has been curated by husband and wife team - Catherine Bellafronto ( pictured above) and Frederic Sola (pictured below).

The opening of the exhibition took place this evening (Thursday May 2.) If the initial reaction is anything to go by, it should be a very popular place to visit. The paintings are being sold for only 400 Dirhams and 100% of that goes directly to the orphanage. This includes the donation of all curating, printing and framing cost by Frederic and Catherine.

Who is talking to who? Bob Bellafronto from New York City has a chat

It was hard to keep up with, but at least half a dozen photographs were sold in the first few minutes.
If you are a visitor to Fez, take time out to have a look at this superb collection of photographs

The exhibition will run indefinitely from 09h00 to 18h00 daily at the offices of Fez Real Estate on Talaa Sghira, just down from Palais Mnebhi and the Banque Populaire. More photographs will be added in the future. For any additional information, contact Frederic Sola at:

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