The call by a prominent Moroccan preacher to mark a national Chastity Day has stirred controversy in Morocco with some advocating the promotion of chastity, others regarding the initiative as an insult to Moroccans and others saying that the call is a dangerous warning of how out of touch with young people some of the older generation are. Ibn Warraq reports from Casablanca
If we ever needed proof that the victory of the Justice and Development Party in the elections would prompt radical minorities to believe they could further a more conservative agenda for the country, then Sheikh al-Idrisi Abu Zeid has provided it. The Quran reciter is a leading member of the Islamic organization al-Tawhid wa al-Islah (Monotheism and Reformation) and he did not wait long after the elections to call for an annual promotion of chastity and suggested calling it National Chastity Day. This day, he said, will aim at fighting all “unchaste” phenomena that have lately invaded the conservative Moroccan society.
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Young Moroccans enjoy a modern lifestyle |
Given the power of television, the internet, mass media and the social networks, Idrisi probably has as much chance of winning this fight as he does of closing down the new Casablanca Mall.
What Sheikh al-Idrisi Abu Zeid does not seem to realise is that Morocco has far greater problems than that of "chastity". He would have found a more sympathetic audience among young people if he had called for action on poverty, unemployment and corruption. Saïda, a twenty-four year old from Hay Hassani told me that the call is out of touch with the lifestyle of young Moroccans. "Chastity,"Saïda says,"has always been a vexed issue because the expectation of chastity was put on women, while young men ignore it completely".
For sociology researcher Mohamed Boulouse, promoting chastity is a must, but one day a year, he told Al Arabiya newspaper, will not be enough. “We need campaigns that would last for weeks and months in order for chastity to become part of our society again and to counter all phenomena that are stranger to all society,” he told Al Arabiya. Boulouse cited examples of “indecent” films, TV serials, festivals, and different artistic expressions that aim at “sexual arousal.” Such campaigns, Boulouse added, should also include food, clothes, actions, and words that should all be in line with Islamic principles. “There should be a focus on curbing sexual desire and abstaining from all lustful actions.” This campaign, he explained, cannot be launched by one person and all Moroccans who demand the return of decency to their society should be part of such initiative. “Several initiatives can be launched to reintroduce ethics and religious teachings to different aspects of life and to invite people to take part in activities that promote chastity.”
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Clubbing is now part of many young Moroccans' lifestyle |
However, more reasoned voices disagree. Islamic studies researcher Saeid Lakhal argued that the Tawhid and Islah Movement is starting to interfere in the cultural and artistic scene in Morocco following the electoral victory of the Justice and Development Party. “The movement and the party have always objected to festivals and cultural activities to no avail. Now they think they can do what they haven’t been able to do for years,” he told Al Arabiya.
For Lakhal, statements by Idrisi and other movement members as well as advocates of their initiatives aim to test the waters and see how Moroccans and civil society will react. “There are several democratic powers that have fought for long to create a multicultural Morocco that accepts all intellectual, artistic, cultural, and ethnic differences and those who launch such initiatives are trying to see how they would respond.”
Many young people agree with Lakhal, who argues that the Chastity Day initiative is an insult to Moroccans since it assumes they are not chaste in the first place. “The initiative means that Moroccans have lost chastity and need to restore it. As far as I know, national days are dedicated to urgent issues concerning specific sectors or echelons of society that are facing problems that need to be addressed.” Lakhal said that instead of dedicating a day to chastity, national days should better be dedicated to poverty, homeless children, marginalization, or rural isolation. “There are several social ailments that need to be addressed and society is in bad need of initiatives that achieve extremely important demands like equality and social justice,” he concluded.
Marrakech lifestyle is modern and cosmopolitan |
For the moment, young people will simply ignore Idrisi and his fellow conservatives as they feel confident the new government will tackle the real issues. However, should Idrisi push further against movies, music and festivals, he may find he has taken on modern Moroccans in a fight he can not win.
Good idea!! Knowing that in the US (for example) they have been pushing this nonsense for years with their abstinence crusade, and with results so different from what they expect it's almost laughable!
I agree with Lamia - this is nonsense. The old men that push this garbage know nothing about young Moroccans. We decide about chastity, not them. One hundred years ago they might have been able to control us like that. But now I am proud my body is mine to decide about. Thank you.
I will only agree about chastity when our men decide they will remain chaste. Too late for that now! And the bearded ones are wrong if they think films and music make us "wicked"... no, it is because we are human women with physical needs - just like men! They can preach their rubbish all they want, but they will never change biology.
Forget chastity day. Let us have a contraception and safe sex day so we teach people not to get pregnant or have SIDS. Sorry, but a chastity day would not last a minute.
I think a chastity day is a good idea. One day a year when we don't have to have sex with our boyfriends!
Why do Muslims, and religious people in general, have such a fixation on sexual matters?
Why can't they accept sex for what it is: A means of two people to share some intimate moments and express love to each other.
Why do they have to see in it what's not there?
Almost all of them are sexually frustrated. Muslims have almost the same approach to sex as Catholics do. They try, in vain I might add, to control it.
They ignore how powerful the urge to have sex is. That's in our DNA. You cannot control it. You can manage it maybe, but not control it.
One has to enjoy sex just as much as one has to enjoy food or any other earthly pleasures. We are here for a brief amount of time, might as well enjoy this odd experience we call "life".
Wake up and smell reality: There is no god. There is no paradise. There is no after life.
You get but one shot at this wonderful experience. What you make of it is up to you.
Religious people are greedy, they want life to be extended for ever. They can't face death. Void and vacuum scare the shit out of them.
Religious people are weak. They seek comfort in numbers. This is why they always congregate. In mosques, in churches, in synagogues, etc.
Religion should about making sure the earth is healthy enough to sustain us, as well as all other living species. This is the real religion. Not some weird creature that is weak it need my worshiping to make it feel good about me and grant me an ever lasting life.
This kind of god is a weak, mean and absolutely disdainful god. Not worthy of my time, let alone prayers.
I am afraid your last anonymus takes himself a bit too seriously. His views on religion are lacking a touch of charity. I may have just discovered my first fundamentalist agnostic!
And on chastity? I blame chocolate. It was the chocolate wot made me do it...
So. Let's ban chocolate.
Ce qu'il y a de bien avec l'islam, c'est qu'on a pas besoin de guide, d'imam, de prince ou de tout autre gourou pour cultiver une relation individuelle privilégiée et directe avec dieu. Exit les fatouas qui n'ont de prise que sur les nains de la cervelle. Seule ma conscience personnelle me dicte ma conduite et toute injonction d'ordre religieux ou moral est non recevable.
Bonne fin de journée!
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